You know those interior design magazines with high/low style stories? Well, my classmates and I were recently tasked with choosing an interior and sourcing high and low price options for some of its main pieces. Not as easy as I had initially expected but managed to find some reasonably similar solutions for both the high and low shopper.
Manor Capiz Seashell Chandelier by Kouboo | Magical Thinking Mariposa Butterfly Sham Set from Urban Outfitter | Saarinen Tulip Side Chair by Rove Concepts | LEIRVIK Bed frame from Ikea
Tulip Armless Chair EERO SAARINEN 1957 from Knoll | 19th c. Quaterfoil Iron Bed from Restoration Hardware | Kyoto Pillow Covers from Serena and Lily | Cyan Design Bella Vetro Chandelier from Wayfair