Hi Friends! Apparently it has been six whole months since completing my first One Room Challenge (crazy!) and it is time to jump back on the crazy train and do it all over again [insert nervous laugh here]. I will be joining a group of 200+ bloggers and 20 featured designers who will be linking up each week to share our progress, struggles, triumphs and everything else that goes along with an ORC makeover. You can follow along with the hashtag #oneroomchallenge on Instagram or by checking into Linda's blog, Calling It Home every Wednesday and Thursday (she's the mastermind behind the ORC). So, here goes another six week makeover challenge! This time around I will be making over my mom and dad's master bedroom. It's lacking a lot of things...but my goal is to make it match this stress-free-lakeside-lounging-lifestyle my parents seem to have adopted. I'm hoping to give them a space that feels intentional and personalized, rather then the mishmash of hand-me-downs and makeshift storage solutions they've been working with. And to be honest, I'm not entirely sure what this space will look like when we're done, but I'm hoping it will be something along the lines of these inspiration pics...a little trim, a few nautical bits and some vintage accents. Should be easy, right? Heh...